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Your life is a blessing.. So live it that way!!

I want to change the lives of humanity and I want this book to change your life and world however lightly. My wish and hope is that we can re-examine our lives and to give up the meaningless which no longer serves us to the more meaningful which does serve us; to give up the valueless for the more valuable treasures that transcends us to become more loving and giving people. I want “our family and our friendships” to be more fruitful and alive. I want us to spread “more kindness and compassion” into our world” so we all win, us we together in unity and ONENESS as a people, country, nation and planet . I want us to search for “the important things that matter” in our lives and make them come to fruition. I want us to discover our “divine life purpose,” so we are living our truth and the people who we were born to be and change our world and planet. I believe we came to the world to do important work and make the world better before we leave it. I hope this book “YOUR LIFE IS A BLESSING…SO LETS LIVE IT THAT WAY !!!!!, leads you on that path of becoming a more fulfilled person and spirit. Let us do it together and then a more beautiful world will we see and be able to appreciate its beauty and harmony.